In July of 2016, Chauncey Brown lost his beloved wife, Malinda to glioblastoma multiforme, the same cancer that took Beau Biden and Senator John McCain. In his wife’s honor, Chauncey founded the Malinda Brown Foundation for Brain Cancer Research.
Chauncey relates that in the weeks after her passing, he was visited daily by a fluttering yellow butterfly. He asked if I could somehow include a yellow butterfly in the logo for the foundation.
In my design the yellow butterfly represents the brain in a healthy state, a new birth, free from the cancer that once ravaged it. The fluttering path of the butterfly represents the resilient human spinal cord. Light blue was chosen for the head as it reminds us of a clear blue sky and fresh clean air. Finally, the capital letters M and B in Malinda Brown, together make the pairs of butterfly wings.
This is one of the few times that I have been commissioned to design a logo that didn’t include signage; it did however include designs for stationery letterhead, etc.